Sunday, March 9, 2008

Locks of Love

This will be the second time my daughter has donated her hair to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children.

When she was nine she was excited to donate her long hair she found the whole experience very rewarding and it pleased her heart to know her hair would provide for a sick child. This time at 16 when looks are so important and the high school pressures plague all teenagers I saw her struggle with her hair being part of her identity, the one thing that set her apart from the rest. She looked a little torn and even a bit scared of this big change. Her heart hasn’t change, she still loves to help others but like us all societies’ expectations, peer pressure, and a desire to fit in are things we struggle to keep in check.

With a reassuring smile from me she took the plunge and even let me take a few pictures.


Jules~ said...

Bravo! She looks amazing! Of course...what other way could she look. She is always radiant and beautiful. She is so wonderful to think of the youth that could benefit from her healthy hair. It is an amazing organization.

Mima said...

What a wonderful thing to do, and her hair looks just lovely shorter as well.