Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cannon Beach, Oregon

My daughter and I enjoyed a few days at Cannon Beach after the holidays. We had great weather: high winds, hail and torrents of rain, snow and even sunshine. You’ve got to love the Oregon Coast!
We had fun hanging out at the Cannon Beach Conference Center; we joined a group of friends, ate great meals, did some window-shopping, napped and walked the beach. I found an old light bulb off of a shipwreck gently resting in the sand. I mistaken it for one of those ugly kelp balls with a long slimy tails but after a closer look found it to be a small treasure. I love combing the beaches.
We had a rough drive home, as Hwy 26 the pass was icy and covered with 8” of snow. We became master of the tire chains by the time the trip was over. Heading up David Douglass Pass we had to chain up then again when we went over the second mountain range. I stopped counting the cars on the side of the road after 9 and was grateful for my chains when I had to gun it as a van slid across the road towards us. After an hour of sitting while two-wheel drive little pickups (who had no business being out on roads like that) slid all over and we inched along. We made it home safe; a regular two-hour trip took us four.
It made for an adventure and it is my goal as a parent to prepare my daughter to be a strong independent self-sufficient young lady. I can happily say she is now prepared to put chains on her vehicle (when she has her own) as well as be assertive enough to handle adverse weather, not get scared and not give up.


Mima said...

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for coming to visit my blog, and it is lovely to have you! You are much braver than I am, I can't imagine driving in conditions like that and keeping going - we just don't get weather like that - the occasional flutter of snow, and if it settles the whole country comes to a grinding halt!

Jules~ said...

I loved reading your take on the trip! And I am laughing at the silliness of me thinking "oh my gosh! I took that picture!"
Of course reading about your trip home makes my heart sink. He wanted me to call and check on you two and I blew him off. I said, "geez we don't work like that. We are both big girls and don't need to check in with each other like calling the parents." Ugh! He was right. I should have...