Wednesday, January 9, 2008

History of the Middle East

I signed up for an independent study history class this term at the college where I work. This will be my first independent study class. I put myself through college the traditional way, with my butt in a college classroom day after day year after year. I actually love college that is one of the reasons I work at one, plus I believe with all my heart that education is the most important thing one can do to empower their lives.
I’m finding the book a great read.
A Concise History of the Middle East by Arthur Goldschmidt Jr., and Lawrence Davidson. Eight Edition.
I haven’t always appreciated history and the importance of it until now. Let’s face it studying any subject, from philosophy to physics, is potentially an adventure of the mind. I love adventure.
Many Westerners do not know what we have learned from the Middle East being we are such a young nation.
The word cotton comes from the Arabic word qutn.
The striped cat we call tabby got its name from the type of cloth called Attabi, once woven in a section of Baghdad.
The world tennis comes from a medieval Egyptian town called Tinnis.
Please don’t misinterpreted my studying the Middle East to mean I am for or against the current situation over there, this is one of many IS history classes I’ll be taking, I believe Ancient Greece is next term.


Mima said...

I think that studying is great fun, I have done several courses online and really enjoyed them, so I hope that this is everything it could be!

Jules~ said...

great job and good for you! I love how you always jump right out there and do new things....or old as it may be with the case of history. giggle giggle. The English language foundations certainly is an interesting mix huh? I heard somewhere that 85% of English is taken from other languages in origin.

Heidi said...

I always wish I was better at history. I'll have to check that book out.