It was still said to see him go. I know it is important to keep perspective here, my daughter is 16, she’s not a little girl; it is just a fish, not the family dog (we don’t have a family dog but you know what I mean).
So what do you do with a dead fish? How do you properly dispose of it? Do you flush him, Do you put him in a baggy and burry him in the backyard? Do you toss him into the garbage?

It looks as if it was a very pretty fish - does she have others? That is exactly what we used to do with our fish when I was younger - send them off to the big sea!!
Oh my! The girls are mourning the loss at this very moment. Here we were surfing the net and checking out our blogger community, and we find bad news! Gloom and Dispair!
we offer our condolences. If I knew how to lower the flag, I would take it to half mast.
Okay, I am being a brat.
Yeah flush him. That is what we always do...unless he is big enough to become a plug.
Gosh could I be anymore morbid?
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