Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Squirrels Make us Smile

I work at a beautiful college campus with lots of trees and shrubs. Our facilities crew does a great job maintaining the grounds.

Today while sitting at the front desk covering the phones for a coworker a very cute squirrel paid me a visit. Ever feel like you’re being watched? Peering through the glass front door, he looked up at me as to say “Hey Lady, give me some food.”

So being the softy I am for a cute face (just look at my dating record) I jumped from my station and raided the refrigerator looking through everyone’s lunch in hopes to find this little guy a special snack.

I carefully stepped out to toss him part of my coworker’s lunch, and he quickly stuffed his cheeks and walked right up to me for more.

“You’ve done this before haven’t you,” I said in my best soft squirrel voice.
He replied in his sexy Antonio Banderas voice, "Why, yes I have."


Anonymous said...

The critters ain't cute. And once you feed them, they don't go away. Next thing you know, they bring their relatives (of which they have many) and friends (often indestinguishable from their relatives). Just wait until you get 20 or so of them in a nut tree near your house... 6 months later, down it crashes. All cus them not-so-cute critters killed it with their nutty greed.

Get a cat instead. Good companion free of critter ticks, and provides lotsa entertainment as it chases them critters all ovah da place !!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Squirrel-Hater-Sauerkraut: No need to be mean. I am sure there is plenty of room on her campus for him and a few of his relatives.

Jules~ said...

Oh what a cute little guy. Those little twitching wiskers and bushy tail are too much to resist. I would have done the same thing. Was your co-worker missing their lunch?